Anthony has personally read these books and feels that while some of these may indeed help with your own spiritual growth ... others are just a good read.

“Journeying into the Light with Linda is the closest you can get to heaven while you are still breathing.” Anthony Grzelka
A True Story about Death, Grief and Transformation
Foreword by Dr. Penny Sartori, author of The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences
Where The Light Lives is the inspirational memoir of Linda Cull, a young woman from a traditional Southern European culture which was traumatised and fragmented by the Second World War and civil conflicts, and the story of her spiritual awakening journey.
Linda was born and raised in Australia, far from her ancestral lands and their brutality, but the effects of war and cultural displacement impacted her formative years through the struggles of her immigrant parents.
As a teenager Linda was diagnosed with a spinal condition that caused her pain, disfigurement, and humiliation, escalating her feelings of anxiety and despair.
Turning to God for comfort and meaning, at the age of sixteen, Linda heard God’s voice calling her name and she had her first of many transcendent experiences.
Throughout her twenties and thirties, Linda experienced out-of-body travels to heaven and back, encounters with God, angels, spirit beings, and the dearly departed, culminating in a profound healing of her life from personal and intergenerational grief.
Acts of spontaneous inspired creativity, enhanced intuition, synchronicities, premonitions, and past life visions have further expanded Linda’s understanding of reality and the interconnectedness of all life.
This intimate account provides remarkable insight into spiritually transformative experiences and their after-effects, the nature of God, heaven, and the soul.
-Published by Wilara Press
'Where the Light Lives' can be purchased directly from
“Journeying into the Light with Linda is the closest you can get to heaven while you are still breathing.” Anthony Grzelka
A True Story about Death, Grief and Transformation
Foreword by Dr. Penny Sartori, author of The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences
Where The Light Lives is the inspirational memoir of Linda Cull, a young woman from a traditional Southern European culture which was traumatised and fragmented by the Second World War and civil conflicts, and the story of her spiritual awakening journey.
Linda was born and raised in Australia, far from her ancestral lands and their brutality, but the effects of war and cultural displacement impacted her formative years through the struggles of her immigrant parents.
As a teenager Linda was diagnosed with a spinal condition that caused her pain, disfigurement, and humiliation, escalating her feelings of anxiety and despair.
Turning to God for comfort and meaning, at the age of sixteen, Linda heard God’s voice calling her name and she had her first of many transcendent experiences.
Throughout her twenties and thirties, Linda experienced out-of-body travels to heaven and back, encounters with God, angels, spirit beings, and the dearly departed, culminating in a profound healing of her life from personal and intergenerational grief.
Acts of spontaneous inspired creativity, enhanced intuition, synchronicities, premonitions, and past life visions have further expanded Linda’s understanding of reality and the interconnectedness of all life.
This intimate account provides remarkable insight into spiritually transformative experiences and their after-effects, the nature of God, heaven, and the soul.
-Published by Wilara Press
'Where the Light Lives' can be purchased directly from
By Margaret Marlow with Astrid Beath

The evening peace is shattered for two Hervey Bay families when police officers call with the devastating news no parent wants to hear. “There’s been an accident…” John, a talented musician, and Tanja, a beauty therapist, are dead; their young lives tragically cut short on a lonely country road. In the ensuing months, two grieving families discover, quite by chance, a world their loved ones now inhabit – the spirit world.
A true story mixed with tragedy, heartache, joy and enlightenment.
Margaret Marlow, author of true crime release “To the Bitter End” now tells her own story.
When Margaret asked me to contribute to her book I was in two minds as to whether I could - or more to the point, should - write this foreword. Not because I feel what you are about to read is not well written. Indeed, just the opposite is true; However, the work that I do as a medium features in this book, and I did not want to be seen as influencing the readers perception of the message that this book brings.
You see this is a book that offers an independent and unbiased view of Mediumship, the afterlife, and one woman’s journey of discovery into the afterlife. It tells of the guidance she received along the way from the spirit world and from her beloved son John, who is in that world.
I am incredibly biased and unwavering in my belief in the afterlife and the survival of consciousness. The afterlife exists. We do not die. We can never die. I know this to be true and as you read this book you will see that an average, everyday person, who like so many others suffers an unexpected and tragic loss of a loved one, over time opens up to a world that exists beyond this one.
This world - call it heaven - call it nirvana - call it what you will - has always thought to be inaccessible to those of us living, and that our only connection to this realm would be when we ourselves pass through the misty gates into the afterlife.
Margaret proves that this is not the case and that we can connect to and interact with those in the afterlife. Margaret’s journey isn’t unique. It seems that the world is reaching an understanding of death and life after death. Acceptance of this truth it seems is inevitable for science too, with the study of quantum physics and molecular science now delving into the hitherto unknown areas of research.
It is however books such as this that are at the forefront of this new frontier, and over time will be looked upon, I believe, as accepted thinking.
Finally, I hope the reader enjoys this book, and can on reflection ponder the wonderful messages contained herein. I will leave you with the words from a people whom I believe have the greatest understanding of life and the afterlife.
'I Can See Clearly Now' can be purchased via facebook page - I can see clearly now. Also available on order through Amazon.
A true story mixed with tragedy, heartache, joy and enlightenment.
Margaret Marlow, author of true crime release “To the Bitter End” now tells her own story.
When Margaret asked me to contribute to her book I was in two minds as to whether I could - or more to the point, should - write this foreword. Not because I feel what you are about to read is not well written. Indeed, just the opposite is true; However, the work that I do as a medium features in this book, and I did not want to be seen as influencing the readers perception of the message that this book brings.
You see this is a book that offers an independent and unbiased view of Mediumship, the afterlife, and one woman’s journey of discovery into the afterlife. It tells of the guidance she received along the way from the spirit world and from her beloved son John, who is in that world.
I am incredibly biased and unwavering in my belief in the afterlife and the survival of consciousness. The afterlife exists. We do not die. We can never die. I know this to be true and as you read this book you will see that an average, everyday person, who like so many others suffers an unexpected and tragic loss of a loved one, over time opens up to a world that exists beyond this one.
This world - call it heaven - call it nirvana - call it what you will - has always thought to be inaccessible to those of us living, and that our only connection to this realm would be when we ourselves pass through the misty gates into the afterlife.
Margaret proves that this is not the case and that we can connect to and interact with those in the afterlife. Margaret’s journey isn’t unique. It seems that the world is reaching an understanding of death and life after death. Acceptance of this truth it seems is inevitable for science too, with the study of quantum physics and molecular science now delving into the hitherto unknown areas of research.
It is however books such as this that are at the forefront of this new frontier, and over time will be looked upon, I believe, as accepted thinking.
Finally, I hope the reader enjoys this book, and can on reflection ponder the wonderful messages contained herein. I will leave you with the words from a people whom I believe have the greatest understanding of life and the afterlife.
'I Can See Clearly Now' can be purchased via facebook page - I can see clearly now. Also available on order through Amazon.
by Aileen Wait & Lea McDonald

This is a very special grief journal written from the heart. I was very impressed by this journal and feel it to be an important tool in healing grief and for those interested in their own spiritual journey. I recommend this journal whole heartedly to anyone.
This journal was not created by qualified experts in the field of either grief management or professional writing. It simply comes from the heart of two ordinary women who have chosen to share their own personal perspectives on bereavement, along with some helpful information that might be of benefit to others. It is offered with hope that many, who are lost for words at this difficult time, will be encouraged to express themselves as part of the grieving process.
This uplifting journal is offered as a timeless gift for the bereaved, with intention to celebrate the life of their loved one and bring degrees of comfort when grief is beyond words. The journal will gradually evolve over time and become a treasured keepsake for many years to come. By gathering precious memories from family and friends, each empty page will ultimately be filled with unique anecdotes, stories, poetry or illustrations, which will help paint a beautiful picture of the life being celebrated.
Scattered throughout the journal are a selection of inspirational quotes, poems, stories and prayers, plus some suggestions for coping and a list of recommended organisations to support the bereaved throughout the grieving process.
Aileen Wait is a married mother and grandmother who lives in Swan Hill. After the death of her 23 year old daughter Zoe, she has been searching for answers needing proof that our loved ones do continue to exist in spirit. Her quest for knowledge led her on a spiritual path which resulted in the writing of this book. Lea McDonald is married with two sons and lives in Melbourne. She has spent many years as a primary caregiver and developed an interest in natural therapies for stress and anxiety. She has a passion for working with families affected by life threatening illness and it is through this work she met Aileen. You may purchase this journal as a gift for someone you know who is bereaved or you may purchase if for yourself or your family if you have experienced the loss of a loved one.
'Beyond Words' can be purchased for $29.95 at
Aileen and Lea met at the BMDI house in Melbourne where Aileen and Zoe stayed during Zoe’s treatment and Lea was a voluntary massage therapist. After publication costs are recovered it is Aileen’s intention to make a donation to this wonderful accommodation facility for life threatening illnesses.
This journal was not created by qualified experts in the field of either grief management or professional writing. It simply comes from the heart of two ordinary women who have chosen to share their own personal perspectives on bereavement, along with some helpful information that might be of benefit to others. It is offered with hope that many, who are lost for words at this difficult time, will be encouraged to express themselves as part of the grieving process.
This uplifting journal is offered as a timeless gift for the bereaved, with intention to celebrate the life of their loved one and bring degrees of comfort when grief is beyond words. The journal will gradually evolve over time and become a treasured keepsake for many years to come. By gathering precious memories from family and friends, each empty page will ultimately be filled with unique anecdotes, stories, poetry or illustrations, which will help paint a beautiful picture of the life being celebrated.
Scattered throughout the journal are a selection of inspirational quotes, poems, stories and prayers, plus some suggestions for coping and a list of recommended organisations to support the bereaved throughout the grieving process.
Aileen Wait is a married mother and grandmother who lives in Swan Hill. After the death of her 23 year old daughter Zoe, she has been searching for answers needing proof that our loved ones do continue to exist in spirit. Her quest for knowledge led her on a spiritual path which resulted in the writing of this book. Lea McDonald is married with two sons and lives in Melbourne. She has spent many years as a primary caregiver and developed an interest in natural therapies for stress and anxiety. She has a passion for working with families affected by life threatening illness and it is through this work she met Aileen. You may purchase this journal as a gift for someone you know who is bereaved or you may purchase if for yourself or your family if you have experienced the loss of a loved one.
'Beyond Words' can be purchased for $29.95 at
Aileen and Lea met at the BMDI house in Melbourne where Aileen and Zoe stayed during Zoe’s treatment and Lea was a voluntary massage therapist. After publication costs are recovered it is Aileen’s intention to make a donation to this wonderful accommodation facility for life threatening illnesses.

These are a great starter set of books, for children and parents alike. Wonderfully illustrated with very positive messages and enlightenment coming from the whole series. Written by a local Western Australian author these really are worth taking a look through. What I like so much about these books and sets these apart from so many others I have read is how they can involve the whole family, parents can read along and help with a child’s understanding of what can be a confusing and complex subject especially for children. I recommend these whole heartedly.
For more information on the Pickawoowoo series visit
by Wayne W Dyer

The book in review is from a fairly prolific author of recent times ..... AND a book that doesn't come along every day. I have read this book several times and the depth and understanding of energy and vibrations and how they interact with and in some cases against each other by the author is inspirational. Much of the content of this particular book was not new to me, however if you are looking at a good starter book in opening up your understanding of how the universal spiritual force works, and how it can be practically adapted to your everyday life, then this is the book for you. It is easy to read and offers practical and informative methods and theory behind becoming a multi sensory human. There is much discussion relating to energy and how to raise and maintain your personal spiritual vibrations. As Wayne Dyer states in his book Love Harmony and Service is about putting our collective energies toward what we are FOR instead of what we are AGAINST. Thinking is the source of problems. Your heart holds the answer to solving them. The second part of the book looks at the more practical side of using the information the books first sections provide by incorporating the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi and the references to Love and Hate, Forgiveness, Faith, Hope, Light and Joy. I highly recommend this book and endorse the content.
It is published by Harper Collins and I believe is still widely available.
It is published by Harper Collins and I believe is still widely available.
by Paul Miller

This review is of a very old but extremely interesting book on mediums. This book takes a close look at mediums in the early part of the last century. The content is derived from the myriad of scientific tests that mediums were subjected to in an attempt to prove or disprove the existence of spirit. It is interesting to note that the first line in this books forward reads like this "Spiritualism is the only religion the fundamentals of which can be scientifically proved". At the time this book was published, much of the mediumship work carried out relied heavily on physical phenomena, such as the forming of ectoplasm, table tapping, spiritual writing etc... Modern day mediums rarely practice these methods however it makes for fascinating reading. Although the setting around this book is one of a time long since passed, the experiments themselves and the conclusions drawn by the scientists involved are remarkable. A very interesting read for anyone interested in the history of mediumship and the relationship with science.
This book was originally published by Psychic Press Ltd 144, High Holborn, London. This I would say is a fairly rare book however it may still be available with a bit of hunting around.
This book was originally published by Psychic Press Ltd 144, High Holborn, London. This I would say is a fairly rare book however it may still be available with a bit of hunting around.
BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL ...The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed
by Laurance Gardner

Now here is an interesting and controversial book. If anyone has read the Davinci Code by Dan Browne then you will have a little insight as to what is in this book. I found it to be compelling reading and actually raised many more questions than it seemed to answer, at least for me it did. The book takes a very close look at what we have been told about the life of Jesus and his heritage. Make no mistake, this is not a work of fiction and the author was given exclusive access to some of the world’s most exclusive archives, rarely accessed for much of his information. Did Jesus marry? Did he have children? And if so what happened to his family are just some of the questions posed by Gardner. Although the questions are to some degree answered, at least in relation to the information uncovered by Laurance Gardner's research, the reader is still left with a sense of uncertainty.It is a very interesting read and to me at least, the conclusions drawn by this book seem to make sense. I am astounded by the shear amount of information in this publication and the research that has gone into it. This is not light reading and does take a great deal of concentration to maintain a connection to the storyline. Having said that, it is a good read for those long summer days.
Published by Element Books in the UK and is still readily available.
Published by Element Books in the UK and is still readily available.
by Mike Agostini

Despite the name, this is an interesting book. Unlike many books relating to spiritual issues, this book is written by someone who has very little to do with the paranormal or spiritual based work. In fact, Mike Agostini is a rather accomplished journalist here in Australia. This is another reason I like this book, there are far too few books of this nature coming from Australian writers.?This book looks at many broad subjects such as ghosts, after death communication, dreams and reincarnation to mention but a few. Mike Agostini bases his approach to these subjects through the eyes of people he has interviewed and spoken with. Many of these individuals are well known Australians and tell their stories here. The author speaks largely from an unbiased point of view and represents what others have said in an entertaining and informative way, leaving the final conclusions to the reader. It is interesting and entertaining, particularly as it has a distinctive Aussie flavour to it.?
Published by Vaucluse Press and is readily available.
Published by Vaucluse Press and is readily available.
by Michael Newton

I found to be a very interesting and informative read. I was first introduced to Michael Newton through his first book Journey Of Souls. The content of this book as with his first looks at case studies of the afterlife, what it’s like, who we meet there and goes some way to offer explanations to what happens with our souls when we die. Some of this content I resonate strongly with while other parts find me wanting. Having said that it is the closest thing to a long term study of the afterlife I have found. Through hypnotic regression Michael Newton delves into our Lives between Lives and the dynamics of the world after this. Much detail on the possible way the afterlife is and our souls part in the greater plan. I must admit much of what I have learnt in the time I have been a medium resonates with this material although not everything. It is a good book and I would recommend this and Michael Newton's first publication as well.
Published by Llewellyn and is readily available.
Published by Llewellyn and is readily available.
by David Staume

Described as essential reading for the predeceased, this book is well written and discusses many different aspects of life after death and spiritual theory in general. It is the way the information is presented that perhaps is the point of difference here. The information is presented as if involved in a virtual tour of the afterlife. This book has much to offer in regards to understanding and developing knowledge of life’s only inevitable destination. The author draws much of his inspiration from personal observations and his studies in the field of science and metaphysics. Working as a naturopath and herbalist David Staume has a good understanding of life and death and the world in between. Although much of this is not new information, it is much easier to read and understand than many books on the same subject.
Published by Llewellyn and is readily available.
Published by Llewellyn and is readily available.
by James Van Praagh

Is essential reading if you are looking for answers to the mystery that is death and the afterlife. James is deservingly recognized as one of the world’s leading spiritual practitioners and his easy flowing writing style makes this book a delight to read. The fact that the reading is so easy with this book is a big part of its appeal, unlike so many different spiritual books this is easy to understand and that makes a big difference especially if you are new to this area. James deals with Life death and grief here and offers a powerful tool in this book for moving forward after loss and offers a deep understanding of spiritual theory. As stated on the cover of this publication this book is filled with hope and enlightenment about our spiritual future, it is a book that will forever change the way you look at death, and life. Once again a very good book for new comers into spiritual belief.
Published by Hodder and is readily available.
Published by Hodder and is readily available.
by Betty J Eadie

This review is based on a book that has been around for some time now. In my opinion, it was one of the first books that was able to really show from personal experience, what happens when you die. At least through the eyes of Betty Eadie. It is a simple and small book that is very easy to read and understand. The author takes you through her own death experience, but this is much more than just a study of a near death experience. It is moving and very enlightening, a great book for those just starting out along a spiritual path of discovery.
Published by Thorsons and is readily available.
BETTY SHINE: My Life As A Medium

Betty Shine was an amazing person and medium. A medium who, among mediums, was considered special. Betty Shine had an extraordinary ability to spiritually heal and along with this deliver messages of hope and love from loved ones past.This book reveals Betty’s life and times. At the cutting edge of mediumship in her time, she offers a rare look at her life and the many difficulties she faced and conquered. This is a very well written and altogether inspiring read. A true account of the highs and lows of life as a medium.This is the third book Betty wrote before her passing and one of her best in my mind. A good read and after reading this I guarantee you will be looking for more of her writing. My Life As A Medium may be a little hard to get your hands on but or other good book sellers should be able to secure you a copy.
It is published by Thorsons.
It is published by Thorsons.

Just the name gives the content of this book away. This book is as the cover states a Childs Spiritual Reader. Many of the books available on spiritual subjects are targeted at an adult audience and the spiritual theory and understanding would be much to difficult for a child to read, but also may be quite hard for a parent to share with their child. Mountains, Meadows and Moonbeams is dedicated to simple, easy to understand language on many aspects of spiritual belief and terms. It is perfect for parents and children and would ideally be suited to children between the ages of 6 and twelve years of age. The book itself deals with subjects of why we are here, how we all fit into the cosmic plan, meditation and it also deals with things that children may experience, that may seem different or unusual. The author Mary Summer Rain has written a delightful, easy to read book, full of illustrations. It will help parents nurture the imagination and creativity within children and help children to understand who they are and how they came to be. It will help with understanding psychic information better; it truly is a great book for children and adults alike.
Published by Hampton Roads Publishing Company and seems to be readily available.
Published by Hampton Roads Publishing Company and seems to be readily available.
by Jan Rowe

Here is a book that deals with the death of a person from a physical perspective. This is a wonderful book that covers the whole process from diagnosis to death. Jan Rowe is a wonderful soul who spent many years working as a registered nurse and this book comes not only from Jan's experiences but equally from Jan's heart. A book that is a must have for anyone dealing with the imminent loss of a loved one. Jan covers subjects such as pain management, alternative treatments, intimacy and saying goodbye. Jan has managed to deliver a straight forward, self help guide in a compassionate and caring way. I would highly recommend this book to anyone facing such a difficult time as the imminent loss of a loved one, friend or family member, it will help a great many people.
Available directly from Whispers From Beyond for only $15.00 plus postage and handling. Please phone 08 9724 1881 for details.
Available directly from Whispers From Beyond for only $15.00 plus postage and handling. Please phone 08 9724 1881 for details.