Terms And Conditions For Private Readings
It is imperative that you read the below information in regards to your reading. Please note, by proceeding with your booking, you are accepting all the below terms and conditions.
Phone Readings Line
For all phone readings please call Anthony on 08 9791 8530 at the time of your appointment. If your call is not answered, it may be because Anthony is finishing up the reading prior to yours. Please keep trying every few minutes, and if after 10 minutes you are still unable to reach him, call the office on 08 9791 8529.
All booking times are set at Perth, Western Australian Time Zone. If you are calling from the Eastern States or from Overseas, it is your responsibility to check the time difference and to call at the correct time.
Cancellations / Refund Policy
It is assumed that by proceeding with your booking, you accept all of the below information, terms and conditions in regards to your appointment and that you are liable for the full fee of your chosen time slot. This will be applicable even if you cancel your appointment, or fail to attend at the allotted time. If however, 3 business days notice days is given by phone, then we will try to refill your appointment slot. If this occurs and the appointment is refilled, then all payments made by you toward that appointment will be transferrable to an available time slot of your choosing. Please be aware that if we are not able to fill your appointment slot, you will still be liable for any remaining balance.
The total cost of a Mediumship reading is $350; and Psychic readings $200. The same cost applies whether the reading is face to face or via phone. However an additional charge of $50.00 for every other person attending the reading with you will also apply. This includes people attending with you for support, as anyone who attends the reading may get a connection. No speaker phones are permitted during phone readings, however the phone may be passed between people.
Deposit/Full Payment
When booking your appointment, you have the option of paying in full or paying a deposit. If the option of paying a deposit only is selected, then details of a credit/debit card will need to be supplied in good faith, for the balance of payment. Note: Any money paid towards your reading is non-refundable and also non transferrable, with the exception as noted in the cancellation / refund policy.
Paying the Balance of your Reading
*Please note there is currently an issue with the online invoices and it will not allow you to pay the balance this way.
We are working to rectify this issue. For face to face readings, the remainder of your payment is due on the day of the reading. However, refer below if you prefer to pay by other methods, as more time must be allowed for the payment to be cleared.
Full payment for phone readings must be received by us, at least 3 business days prior to your appointment.
Regardless of the method of final payment, credit/debit card details must be provided for security purposes and will be retained by our office until the date of your reading, to ensure no follow ups are necessary for final payment. If final payment is not made on the day of your reading for any reason (including non-attendance), then the amount owing will automatically be deducted from your card. If you prefer not to provide credit/debit card details then full payment will be required immediately.
Payment Methods
ANZ Bank BSB: 016 560 Account #: 4974 08166
Please ensure you put your name or phone number as a reference, so we can ensure your payment is allocated correctly. If paying the balance by this method, please advise the office and payment must be received 7 working days prior to the reading.
It is advised that you do not disclose any personal information to our staff, such as people you are wishing to contact, how they died, names etc. This is simply so you can benefit from the experience of your reading, without having any unnecessary doubts about the information that does come through at your reading.
Readings provided by Anthony Grzelka are for the purpose of support and guidance only. Nothing is 100% set in stone. While Anthony takes his work very seriously, the information provided is his personal opinion and he does not accept responsibility for what you choose to do with the information, including any actions you take. The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility. All readings and questions answered are not a substitute for professional services and should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgement. For any such matter you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.
Recordings of the Mediumship sessions remain the property of 'Whispers From Beyond' whether they are self-recorded, or Anthony records the session on your behalf and are not for public distribution, without prior express written permission directly from Anthony Grzelka.
Any and all correspondence between yourself and Whispers From Beyond and its employees is intended for you only. Copyright laws and confidentiality agreements apply. You agree that you will not share, publish, display nor distribute it in any way. You agree to completely hold blameless and absolutely indemnify Whispers From beyond and its employees from any and all liabilities and expenses.
If you have any further questions about your reading please visit the FAQ’s on our website, or call our office and we will be happy to assist.
Obtaining Your Audio for Mediumship Readings
**Audio's take 14-28 days for you to receive after your mediumship reading. You will sometimes receive them sooner, it depends on our current backlog.
Anthony will record your Mediumship reading for you. However, it won’t allow the file to be sent via email due to the size of the file. We can either send it to you via Dropbox, (you will need to download the free home version www.dropbox.com on your desktop or there is also an app for your phone) and create a login using the email address you have given us. From there, you can download the audio to your computer or device. If you already have a Dropbox login please advise us if the email address connected to it is different from the one we have. N.B. This link will expire in 30 days, please ensure you have saved a copy of the reading to your phone or computer prior to the expiration date.
We highly recommend that you record the Mediumship Reading yourself on the day as a back up and this can be done with a smart phone using either the 'Voice Memo' (iPhone) or 'Voice Recorder' (Android) Apps. These are free to download from your App store and sometimes are already pre-loaded on your phone.
If you wish to have your recording on a USB then please bring a 4GB USB with you on the day of your appointment along with a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
Alternatively if you have a Phone reading booked you can mail a 4GB USB to:
Whispers From Beyond
PO Box 6221
Bunbury South WA 6230
You’ll need to include a stamped ($3 postage on a normal sized envelope) self-addressed envelope and your name and reading date. Please also keep in mind that Vikii who does the audios only works on Tuesdays and audios can take 14-28 days to be sent to you depending on backlog. We ask for your patience with this matter. Please note only Mediumship readings are recorded and for phone readings the audio only records Anthony's side of the call.
You are permitted to record the Mediumship reading (NOT Psychic Readings) as an audio on your phone. No personal recording devices, visual or otherwise may be used before, during or directly after a session/reading with Anthony. However, this is on the condition that this recording is for you personally, and not to be shared publicly under any circumstances. The audio will remain the intellectual property of Whispers From Beyond and is for your personal use only and not for distribution, or public broadcast, without prior written permission. This audio recording and the contents of same remain the property of Whispers From Beyond.
Also, please note that although we do our best to ensure the recording works for every session - sometimes the technology can fail during a recording. On these rare occasions, Whispers From Beyond apologises sincerely, we endeavour to always provide 100% of the recording, however if this occurs it is out of our control.
What is a Medium and Mediumship?
Mediumship is the ability to communicate with the energy of souls who have passed onto the next life. A medium is a person who can facilitate this communication. The information comes through to a medium in many different ways, and the medium has the responsibility to interpret the information and deliver the message to the sitter. Messages may be received through thoughts and feelings, as well as sounds and smells.
What to Expect From Your Mediumship Reading!
If you have never had a reading from a medium before you may feel a little apprehensive, please don’t be. This can block the medium and the messages may be harder for the medium to interpret. Just relax and enjoy the experience.
Mediumship as with much of the spiritual based work is not an exact science, and depending on many different things including you, and your energy at the time, will determine how successful a reading is, and whether the reading is a positive experience. As the medium, Anthony has no control of which energies come through during a reading, it may be the energy of the person you wish to come through, but it may be someone completely unexpected. Anthony cannot control this.
You are welcome to have up to 6 people attend a private reading, at a cost of $50 for each additional person that attends. However, Anthony is not able to control which spirits come through at a reading, or who they come through for. Each person attending may get contact with a loved one, or one spirit may come through and take up the entire reading. If the other people in attendance did not know that person, they may feel as though they have missed out on the reading. This can and does happen so please be mindful of who attends a reading with you and whether you have a shared interest in the people you wish to contact at the reading.
You are welcome to bring along photographs etc, however Anthony does not need any items in order to establish a connection with your loved one. If you have specific questions that you would like answered, it’s sometimes a good idea to hold off until Anthony has had a chance to bring through the majority of the information he is getting from the other side, as you may find that this comes up during the reading anyway.
You are able to ask Anthony any questions you have, including those that are of a psychic nature, though his main strength is communicating with those that have passed over. Having said that, in a reading our loved ones do sometimes talk about things that are coming up in our future and will give us advice on certain things where they are able. If it is nearing the end of your session and there is something you feel you really want to ask, Anthony will be more than happy to relay to you any psychic feelings he has in relation to your question.
The reading will go for approximately 45 minutes and Anthony will mainly use this time, to connect with and convey messages, from loved ones that have passed over. If time permits, Anthony is happy for you to ask a couple of questions of a psychic nature. Please have a couple of questions ready prior to your appointment, so that you can make the most of your time with Anthony.
How Best To Prepare For a Mediumship Reading
It is important for as long as possible before your reading that you think about who you wish to communicate with. Ask them to come through for you at the reading. This may sound strange, but it can really help your chances of a positive connection and a good reading. This is of course no guarantee, but it can help a great deal.
If you have booked a Mediumship Phone reading - Please phone Anthony directly 08 9791 8530. It is imperative that you are not late calling as readings are scheduled back to back. If you are more than 15 minutes late, the reading will not be able to take place and you will be liable for full payment for the time slot.
Things To Remember for your Mediumship Reading
A complimentary audio recording is included with the reading, but for reasons unknown do not always work. As such it is a good idea to have a pen and paper handy, to jot down any information you cannot understand immediately, or wish to remember. Some of the information you may be able to validate at a later stage. It would be a shame to miss out on important details, for the want of a good memory and a pen. Many things can affect what comes through during a reading, spirits have their own agenda and their own reasons for contacting us, so be patient, come with an open mind and an open heart, and most of all enjoy the experience. Please do not go into a reading with any expectations, what comes, comes and should be accepted as such.
Psychic Readings
The reading will go for 30 minutes and you are able to ask approximately 5 questions, or however many questions Anthony can answer in a half hour time slot. Please have these questions ready prior to your appointment, so that you can make the most of your time with Anthony.
Note: Psychic reading are NOT Recorded.
Anthony will not use this time, to connect to loved ones that have passed over, as the time allocated to this type of reading is for psychic questions only.
If you have booked a Psychic Phone reading - Please phone Anthony directly 08 9791 8530. It is imperative that you are not late calling as readings are scheduled back to back. If you are more than 15 minutes late, the reading will not be able to take place and you will be liable for full payment for the time slot.
It is also your responsibility, to have this number with you at the time of the appointment. Do not rely on being able to call the office at the time of the reading, for the appointments phone number, as we may be on another call and we would hate for you to miss the opportunity of having your reading.
All booking times are set at Perth, Western Australian Time Zone. If you are calling from the Eastern States or from Overseas, it is your responsibility to check the time difference and to call at the correct time.
It is a good idea to have a pen and paper handy, to jot down any information you cannot understand immediately, or wish to remember. Much of the information you may be able to validate at a later stage. It would be a shame to miss out on important details for the want of a good memory and a pen. Please do not go into a reading with any expectations, what comes, comes and should be accepted as such.
What is Soul Talking?
Soul talking readings, due to their very nature, work in only seven out of every ten cases. The person needs to be virtually non-communicative, before Anthony can attempt this type of connection.
The reading itself will go for approximately 45 minutes. If time permits, Anthony is happy for you to ask a couple of questions of a psychic nature. Please have a couple of questions ready prior to your appointment, so that you can make the most of your time with Anthony.
Soul Talking describes the ability Anthony has to connect with those that are still here, but are unable to speak for themselves due to a Disability, Stroke or Alzheimer’s. Anthony's soul-talking technique enables him to make contact with the souls of the living in these circumstances. Anthony offers readings to families who have a family member in this situation.
The unique `connections' made by Anthony ranging from severely disabled children, to stroke-ridden patients or people in comas, is finally unlocking hidden doorways into a little understood twilight world.
Perth and Bunbury Locations & Access
For face to face readings, please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. Anthony’s reading room is upstairs at both the Perth and Bunbury locations and unfortunately there is no elevator at either premise. At the Bunbury location, there is a room downstairs that the reading can take place in, however at the Perth office there is no alternative. If you believe you will have access issues at the Perth location, we recommend booking a phone reading as an alternative. For the elderly or people with illness or disability, Anthony will travel to some residences for the reading, depending on the location and whether his schedule permits him to do so. There is a $50 travel fee that applies in those circumstances.
It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with directions, prior to your appointment. We have included a map below to assist. Readings are scheduled back to back, if you are more than 15 minutes late, the reading will not be able to take place and you will still be liable for full payment, for the time slot. Please do not rely on office staff for directions at the time of, or just prior to the reading. We may be unavailable or on another call at the time and we would hate for you to miss the opportunity of having your reading.
Phone Readings Line
For all phone readings please call Anthony on 08 9791 8530 at the time of your appointment. If your call is not answered, it may be because Anthony is finishing up the reading prior to yours. Please keep trying every few minutes, and if after 10 minutes you are still unable to reach him, call the office on 08 9791 8529.
All booking times are set at Perth, Western Australian Time Zone. If you are calling from the Eastern States or from Overseas, it is your responsibility to check the time difference and to call at the correct time.
Cancellations / Refund Policy
It is assumed that by proceeding with your booking, you accept all of the below information, terms and conditions in regards to your appointment and that you are liable for the full fee of your chosen time slot. This will be applicable even if you cancel your appointment, or fail to attend at the allotted time. If however, 3 business days notice days is given by phone, then we will try to refill your appointment slot. If this occurs and the appointment is refilled, then all payments made by you toward that appointment will be transferrable to an available time slot of your choosing. Please be aware that if we are not able to fill your appointment slot, you will still be liable for any remaining balance.
The total cost of a Mediumship reading is $350; and Psychic readings $200. The same cost applies whether the reading is face to face or via phone. However an additional charge of $50.00 for every other person attending the reading with you will also apply. This includes people attending with you for support, as anyone who attends the reading may get a connection. No speaker phones are permitted during phone readings, however the phone may be passed between people.
Deposit/Full Payment
When booking your appointment, you have the option of paying in full or paying a deposit. If the option of paying a deposit only is selected, then details of a credit/debit card will need to be supplied in good faith, for the balance of payment. Note: Any money paid towards your reading is non-refundable and also non transferrable, with the exception as noted in the cancellation / refund policy.
Paying the Balance of your Reading
*Please note there is currently an issue with the online invoices and it will not allow you to pay the balance this way.
We are working to rectify this issue. For face to face readings, the remainder of your payment is due on the day of the reading. However, refer below if you prefer to pay by other methods, as more time must be allowed for the payment to be cleared.
Full payment for phone readings must be received by us, at least 3 business days prior to your appointment.
Regardless of the method of final payment, credit/debit card details must be provided for security purposes and will be retained by our office until the date of your reading, to ensure no follow ups are necessary for final payment. If final payment is not made on the day of your reading for any reason (including non-attendance), then the amount owing will automatically be deducted from your card. If you prefer not to provide credit/debit card details then full payment will be required immediately.
Payment Methods
- Cash on the day – For balance cash payments for face to face readings, please ensure you bring with you the correct amount owing for your reading.
- Credit/Debit Card – Card facilities will be available at the Perth & Bunbury premises on the day of your reading.
- Direct Debit Details:
ANZ Bank BSB: 016 560 Account #: 4974 08166
Please ensure you put your name or phone number as a reference, so we can ensure your payment is allocated correctly. If paying the balance by this method, please advise the office and payment must be received 7 working days prior to the reading.
It is advised that you do not disclose any personal information to our staff, such as people you are wishing to contact, how they died, names etc. This is simply so you can benefit from the experience of your reading, without having any unnecessary doubts about the information that does come through at your reading.
Readings provided by Anthony Grzelka are for the purpose of support and guidance only. Nothing is 100% set in stone. While Anthony takes his work very seriously, the information provided is his personal opinion and he does not accept responsibility for what you choose to do with the information, including any actions you take. The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility. All readings and questions answered are not a substitute for professional services and should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgement. For any such matter you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.
Recordings of the Mediumship sessions remain the property of 'Whispers From Beyond' whether they are self-recorded, or Anthony records the session on your behalf and are not for public distribution, without prior express written permission directly from Anthony Grzelka.
Any and all correspondence between yourself and Whispers From Beyond and its employees is intended for you only. Copyright laws and confidentiality agreements apply. You agree that you will not share, publish, display nor distribute it in any way. You agree to completely hold blameless and absolutely indemnify Whispers From beyond and its employees from any and all liabilities and expenses.
If you have any further questions about your reading please visit the FAQ’s on our website, or call our office and we will be happy to assist.
Obtaining Your Audio for Mediumship Readings
**Audio's take 14-28 days for you to receive after your mediumship reading. You will sometimes receive them sooner, it depends on our current backlog.
Anthony will record your Mediumship reading for you. However, it won’t allow the file to be sent via email due to the size of the file. We can either send it to you via Dropbox, (you will need to download the free home version www.dropbox.com on your desktop or there is also an app for your phone) and create a login using the email address you have given us. From there, you can download the audio to your computer or device. If you already have a Dropbox login please advise us if the email address connected to it is different from the one we have. N.B. This link will expire in 30 days, please ensure you have saved a copy of the reading to your phone or computer prior to the expiration date.
We highly recommend that you record the Mediumship Reading yourself on the day as a back up and this can be done with a smart phone using either the 'Voice Memo' (iPhone) or 'Voice Recorder' (Android) Apps. These are free to download from your App store and sometimes are already pre-loaded on your phone.
If you wish to have your recording on a USB then please bring a 4GB USB with you on the day of your appointment along with a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
Alternatively if you have a Phone reading booked you can mail a 4GB USB to:
Whispers From Beyond
PO Box 6221
Bunbury South WA 6230
You’ll need to include a stamped ($3 postage on a normal sized envelope) self-addressed envelope and your name and reading date. Please also keep in mind that Vikii who does the audios only works on Tuesdays and audios can take 14-28 days to be sent to you depending on backlog. We ask for your patience with this matter. Please note only Mediumship readings are recorded and for phone readings the audio only records Anthony's side of the call.
You are permitted to record the Mediumship reading (NOT Psychic Readings) as an audio on your phone. No personal recording devices, visual or otherwise may be used before, during or directly after a session/reading with Anthony. However, this is on the condition that this recording is for you personally, and not to be shared publicly under any circumstances. The audio will remain the intellectual property of Whispers From Beyond and is for your personal use only and not for distribution, or public broadcast, without prior written permission. This audio recording and the contents of same remain the property of Whispers From Beyond.
Also, please note that although we do our best to ensure the recording works for every session - sometimes the technology can fail during a recording. On these rare occasions, Whispers From Beyond apologises sincerely, we endeavour to always provide 100% of the recording, however if this occurs it is out of our control.
What is a Medium and Mediumship?
Mediumship is the ability to communicate with the energy of souls who have passed onto the next life. A medium is a person who can facilitate this communication. The information comes through to a medium in many different ways, and the medium has the responsibility to interpret the information and deliver the message to the sitter. Messages may be received through thoughts and feelings, as well as sounds and smells.
What to Expect From Your Mediumship Reading!
If you have never had a reading from a medium before you may feel a little apprehensive, please don’t be. This can block the medium and the messages may be harder for the medium to interpret. Just relax and enjoy the experience.
Mediumship as with much of the spiritual based work is not an exact science, and depending on many different things including you, and your energy at the time, will determine how successful a reading is, and whether the reading is a positive experience. As the medium, Anthony has no control of which energies come through during a reading, it may be the energy of the person you wish to come through, but it may be someone completely unexpected. Anthony cannot control this.
You are welcome to have up to 6 people attend a private reading, at a cost of $50 for each additional person that attends. However, Anthony is not able to control which spirits come through at a reading, or who they come through for. Each person attending may get contact with a loved one, or one spirit may come through and take up the entire reading. If the other people in attendance did not know that person, they may feel as though they have missed out on the reading. This can and does happen so please be mindful of who attends a reading with you and whether you have a shared interest in the people you wish to contact at the reading.
You are welcome to bring along photographs etc, however Anthony does not need any items in order to establish a connection with your loved one. If you have specific questions that you would like answered, it’s sometimes a good idea to hold off until Anthony has had a chance to bring through the majority of the information he is getting from the other side, as you may find that this comes up during the reading anyway.
You are able to ask Anthony any questions you have, including those that are of a psychic nature, though his main strength is communicating with those that have passed over. Having said that, in a reading our loved ones do sometimes talk about things that are coming up in our future and will give us advice on certain things where they are able. If it is nearing the end of your session and there is something you feel you really want to ask, Anthony will be more than happy to relay to you any psychic feelings he has in relation to your question.
The reading will go for approximately 45 minutes and Anthony will mainly use this time, to connect with and convey messages, from loved ones that have passed over. If time permits, Anthony is happy for you to ask a couple of questions of a psychic nature. Please have a couple of questions ready prior to your appointment, so that you can make the most of your time with Anthony.
How Best To Prepare For a Mediumship Reading
It is important for as long as possible before your reading that you think about who you wish to communicate with. Ask them to come through for you at the reading. This may sound strange, but it can really help your chances of a positive connection and a good reading. This is of course no guarantee, but it can help a great deal.
If you have booked a Mediumship Phone reading - Please phone Anthony directly 08 9791 8530. It is imperative that you are not late calling as readings are scheduled back to back. If you are more than 15 minutes late, the reading will not be able to take place and you will be liable for full payment for the time slot.
Things To Remember for your Mediumship Reading
A complimentary audio recording is included with the reading, but for reasons unknown do not always work. As such it is a good idea to have a pen and paper handy, to jot down any information you cannot understand immediately, or wish to remember. Some of the information you may be able to validate at a later stage. It would be a shame to miss out on important details, for the want of a good memory and a pen. Many things can affect what comes through during a reading, spirits have their own agenda and their own reasons for contacting us, so be patient, come with an open mind and an open heart, and most of all enjoy the experience. Please do not go into a reading with any expectations, what comes, comes and should be accepted as such.
Psychic Readings
The reading will go for 30 minutes and you are able to ask approximately 5 questions, or however many questions Anthony can answer in a half hour time slot. Please have these questions ready prior to your appointment, so that you can make the most of your time with Anthony.
Note: Psychic reading are NOT Recorded.
Anthony will not use this time, to connect to loved ones that have passed over, as the time allocated to this type of reading is for psychic questions only.
If you have booked a Psychic Phone reading - Please phone Anthony directly 08 9791 8530. It is imperative that you are not late calling as readings are scheduled back to back. If you are more than 15 minutes late, the reading will not be able to take place and you will be liable for full payment for the time slot.
It is also your responsibility, to have this number with you at the time of the appointment. Do not rely on being able to call the office at the time of the reading, for the appointments phone number, as we may be on another call and we would hate for you to miss the opportunity of having your reading.
All booking times are set at Perth, Western Australian Time Zone. If you are calling from the Eastern States or from Overseas, it is your responsibility to check the time difference and to call at the correct time.
It is a good idea to have a pen and paper handy, to jot down any information you cannot understand immediately, or wish to remember. Much of the information you may be able to validate at a later stage. It would be a shame to miss out on important details for the want of a good memory and a pen. Please do not go into a reading with any expectations, what comes, comes and should be accepted as such.
What is Soul Talking?
Soul talking readings, due to their very nature, work in only seven out of every ten cases. The person needs to be virtually non-communicative, before Anthony can attempt this type of connection.
The reading itself will go for approximately 45 minutes. If time permits, Anthony is happy for you to ask a couple of questions of a psychic nature. Please have a couple of questions ready prior to your appointment, so that you can make the most of your time with Anthony.
Soul Talking describes the ability Anthony has to connect with those that are still here, but are unable to speak for themselves due to a Disability, Stroke or Alzheimer’s. Anthony's soul-talking technique enables him to make contact with the souls of the living in these circumstances. Anthony offers readings to families who have a family member in this situation.
The unique `connections' made by Anthony ranging from severely disabled children, to stroke-ridden patients or people in comas, is finally unlocking hidden doorways into a little understood twilight world.
Perth and Bunbury Locations & Access
For face to face readings, please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. Anthony’s reading room is upstairs at both the Perth and Bunbury locations and unfortunately there is no elevator at either premise. At the Bunbury location, there is a room downstairs that the reading can take place in, however at the Perth office there is no alternative. If you believe you will have access issues at the Perth location, we recommend booking a phone reading as an alternative. For the elderly or people with illness or disability, Anthony will travel to some residences for the reading, depending on the location and whether his schedule permits him to do so. There is a $50 travel fee that applies in those circumstances.
It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with directions, prior to your appointment. We have included a map below to assist. Readings are scheduled back to back, if you are more than 15 minutes late, the reading will not be able to take place and you will still be liable for full payment, for the time slot. Please do not rely on office staff for directions at the time of, or just prior to the reading. We may be unavailable or on another call at the time and we would hate for you to miss the opportunity of having your reading.
Perth Office Location
Vivacious Living Centre, Unit 9a /9 Riseley Square, Applecross (or Ardross). Note: Enter 'Vivacious Living Centre' into your Google Maps /GPS NOT the address. This will ensure that you get to the right location. Please wait in the reception area upstairs. Parking at the Perth location can get quite busy as there are a number of local cafés. Ensure you leave yourself plenty of time to park. The Vivacious Living Centre has lime green signage, and is opposite the il Ciao Italian Restaurant. Kim will be there to greet you, however if she is unable to be there one day, the waiting room may be empty when you arrive. Anthony will come to the waiting room to collect you once he completes the reading prior to yours. Please note that unfortunately there is no wheelchair access at the Perth readings location, this is also the venue where Anthony's development group, seances and workshops are held. Anthony will in some circumstances visit people at their home for a private reading, please call the office for more information. |
Readings provided by Anthony Grzelka are for the purpose of support and guidance only. Nothing is 100% set in stone. While Anthony takes his work very seriously, the information provided is his personal opinion and he does not accept responsibility for what you choose to do with the information, including any actions you take. The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility. All readings and questions answered are not a substitute for professional services and should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For any such matter you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.
Any and all correspondence between yourself and Whispers From Beyond and its employees is intended for you only. Copyright laws and confidentiality agreements apply. You agree that you will not share, publish, display nor distribute it in any way. You agree to completely hold blameless and absolutely indemnify Whispers From beyond and its employees from any and all liabilities and expenses.
Readings provided by Anthony Grzelka are for the purpose of support and guidance only. Nothing is 100% set in stone. While Anthony takes his work very seriously, the information provided is his personal opinion and he does not accept responsibility for what you choose to do with the information, including any actions you take. The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility. All readings and questions answered are not a substitute for professional services and should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For any such matter you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.
Any and all correspondence between yourself and Whispers From Beyond and its employees is intended for you only. Copyright laws and confidentiality agreements apply. You agree that you will not share, publish, display nor distribute it in any way. You agree to completely hold blameless and absolutely indemnify Whispers From beyond and its employees from any and all liabilities and expenses.